Nazareth was a BLAST on Saturday night! Kellie & I went, and met up with Cindy & Chris (longtime friends of Mighty Miramichi).
What is it about rock legends that can turn perfectly sane girls into screaming maniacs? I guess you’re never too old to try and pull a 58yr old rocker off the stage by his ankles…
Believe it or not, we didn’t bring our cameras (scared of losing them) and that means no pictures! All I have to post are these souvenirs. My ticket stub and a guitar pick from Pete Agnew on the bass guitar.
SEND US PICTURES!So Miramichi, I know you took pictures. I saw the flashes. Please email us your pics so we can post them here or in the Mighty Miramichi photo gallery.
Meanwhile, check out the Nazareth website here.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.