Well that was nice! I just typed in a long blog, complete with pics, about my Saturday excursions…and then the power flickered off and with a disturbing “poof”, Mac went black!
I’m not sure why that happened because it is a beautiful sunny & humid day, although it is quite windy, so that may have been the cause.
But today is my day off and I won’t let an electrical charge get me down! Kellie is probably freaking out right now, unplugging everything in the house. I imagine she sees the power flicker as a sign that heat lightening is on its way and she’s sitting in a corner somewhere with her ears perked, straining to hear distant rumbles.
For me to have a day off in the middle of the week is pretty exciting! I’m a self-professed workaholic and Terry, the Mighty Miramichi captain, has been encouraging me to take a break…I’ve only logged into the email server at work ONCE today….that’s impressive! So far today I’ve just been hanging out, cooking, doing laundry, watched Ellen Degeneres, oh and I planted an herb garden that I’m excited about.
Okay, I’m posting, and getting back to the previous blog that disappeared.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.