Getting back to the Laughing Bear Lodge . . . you know, the novel we’ve been working on together . . . Andrea suggested it might go more quickly (and could even be more interesting) if we wrote it by sentences rather than chapters. And I think that’s a plan, certainly worth trying. Could be fun.
To get you up to speed, eight chapters have been written. Click here for the beginning seven chapters and here for Chapter 8.
We’ll begin by writing Chapter 9 together. I’ll give you the first sentence and then you can start posting the next sentences in the comments. When we get a paragraph or so I’ll post it here and we’ll see how that goes. Sound like a plan? Everybody understand? Let’s give it a go!
Chapter 9
Trey heard the sirens and his pulse quickened.
Your turn! Post in the Comments.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.