A couple of weekends ago while I was at the Writers’ Federation of New Brunswick Annual General Meeting, the rest of the Mighty Crew were in Moncton for the Lifestyle Show at the coliseum.
Here are a few pictures Stacy sent me to post.
People filled out ballots at the Mighty Community booth to win a Mighty Miramichi.com sweatshirt. The winner was Heather Goguen of Riverview, and formerly from Miramichi. Congratulations!
Great picture of Squire! Isn’t he dapper? I really missed him at the Writers’ events, but maybe next year the events won’t be held on the same weekend and we can go to everything.
The Wee Ones broke into spontaneous dance in the aisle with music provided by the Folksong Festival booth.
Looks like I missed a lot of fun 🙁

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.