Aren’t I terrible? Posting a chapter in the novel and then disappearing for almost two weeks? Ahh, the creative life! What more can I say?
I’ve been busy. I seem to be caught up in some sort of spring frenzy, there’s a lot going on. And today, I’m going to tell you EVERYTHING!! So, grab a cup of joe and settle in, you could be here awhile. I’ve got a lot of pictures, a lot of information!
Here are The Wee Ones with André Léger of the Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick (TIANB) at a Miramichi Region Tourism Association (MRTA) meeting where they received an award.
We ran the story in the last issue of Bread ‘n Molasses, in case you missed it.
Our Mighty Captain and MRTA president, Terry, noticed a lot of really positive tourism news at this particular meeting and thought we should tell everyone — celebrate our successes! So we did! That story also ran in Bread ‘n Molasses.
We sent that press release out to news sources all over the country — it’s very important stuff! And the next day we were the top story in the Canada Tourism Commission’s Daily newsletter.
And that’s not the end of it — Look for more positive tourism news very soon. We had so much to share that we couldn’t even fit it all into one story, so we broke it up into two.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.