I found this great little tool to help me keep organized. This website publishes a monthly checklist of things to be done during the month to help you organize your home and office. You don’t do them all at once, just a few every week and by the end of the month if you’ve checked off everything on the list you’ll be more organized.
Here’s the March Checklist:
____ Spring has sprung! Use empty space in armoires, trunks, luggage, extra closets, or out-of-the-home storage areas for out-of-season clothes. Or, if you prefer to leave out of season clothing in your current closet, put those items all to one side. Cover them with plastic bags to keep them dust free until next season.
____ Wipe away smudges and fingerprints from mirrors, faucets and glass-front cabinets.
____ Get rid of old, ratty dishcloths, sponges and potholders. Replace them with fresh new ones.
____ Go through your kitchen cabinets and discard old food items that have been sitting there for years, such as yeast, baking powder, herbs and flour. Rethink buying an herb in the future, unless you know you’re going to use it often. Buy flour, baking soda and yeast in smaller amounts so they don’t go bad next time.
____ Give yourself more drawer space in the kitchen by using a basket, canister or flowerpot to store ladles, spatulas and wooden spoons.
____ Spend one day this month catching up on your laundry. Once you’re caught up, vow to do a load a day, so you never fall behind again
____ March 7th-13th is National Procrastination Week. Do the one thing you’ve been procrastinating on, and get it off your list.
____ March 9th is National Organize Your Home Office Day. Celebrate by getting the clutter off your desk, tackling a pile of paperwork, or cleaning out old files on your computer.
____ Think of thirty 10-minute tasks you want to do to get your home or office ready for spring. Write each task on a separate index card and toss all the cards in a box. Each day, draw one card. Tackle the task you draw from the box. At the end of 30 days, you’ll be thrilled with your accomplishments and ready to enjoy spring!
by Maria Gracia – Get Organized Now!
Want to get organized? Get your FREE Get Organized Now! Idea-Pak, filled with tips and ideas to help you organize your home, your office and your life, at the Get Organized Now! Web site http://www.getorganizednow.com

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