Have you heard about the new contest we’re having on Bread ‘n Molasses magazine?
It’s really exciting! We’ve got great cash prizes to give-away! Not so many entries yet, but I think it’s just because we’re getting close to Christmas and people have a lot on their plates. The entries will pick up after the New Year, I’m sure.
So, competition isn’t very steep yet . . . (hint, hint, hint) . . . ANYBODY could win this thing!
That’s actually the coolest thing about this contest — it’s wide open! All ages, all art mediums! One common theme of Miramichi Memories. How much fun is that?!
What are you waiting for? Get artsy! Express Yourself!!

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.