Today was an exciting day in Miramichi as presentations were made to the Miramichi Task Force, an initiative of the Lord government. The new Task Force has been established to provide a long-term focused plan of action to address the economic challenges facing the Miramichi region.
The Task Force is made up of local business & community leaders from throughout the region.
The afternoon began with a presentation from the tourism sector delivered by Gordon Scott of Boiestown, president of the Miramichi River Valley Tourism Association and Terry Matchett of Miramichi, president of the Miramichi Region Tourism Association and our captain at Mighty Miramichi.
They were introduced by the ever dapper Squire, The County Crier, bell & all. The Squire was sporting his new hand tailored, red velvet coat appliquéd with gold piping and pinned with a celtic cross. I don’t know if his chest was swelled with pride over his new duds or his puffy shirt created the illusion. Either way, he made a great contribution to a serious event and we thank him for attending on behalf of tourism. Dirk Stewart was unavailable for comment on Squires performance today.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.