Great day today! Leslie and I went for a walk at French Fort Cove *If he says I was wheezing and falling behind don’t believe him* and we also had a lesson in server technology.
Fun stuff I gotta tell ya! I’m boldly going where Stacy has never gone before. There are lots of acronyms like DNS & SOA and the words “tell it where to go” seem to be used in abundance along with some pointing and redirecting. Hmmm, the more I think about it, the more it sounds like my behaviour at work. You see I’ve been getting a bad rap lately for being bossy. I’m not really. I just delegate and organize which involves some pointing and redirecting. I think I’m going to enjoy server management!
We had a surprise birthday party last week for Terry, our boss man. We had a friend of his invite him to lunch on that day and when they arrived, we were all there to yell surprise. It was an absolute fiasco trying to plan it around his schedule!
He kept trying to change the plans…wanted to go for breakfast instead, wanted to meet earlier, then later, then the day before, then the day after! We were ready to throw him in the Mighty Miramichi van along with the cake and drag him to the party! But it all turned out in the end with friends both old & new showing up to celebrate.
I’m still not convinced he was completely surprised but he’d never tell us and ruin our fun. I’ll post some pictures tomorrow.
It’s getting late and I still have crafts to make for a sale on Saturday.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.