Sunday is my day to watch tv. I’m a big pop culture junkie and I watch a lot of tv anyway, but Sunday is the day when I tune into Book Television (the channel) and the CBC. I watch Richler Ink, CBC News Sunday, Hot Type, Arts & Minds, Inside Media, Mansbridge One on One, Imprint, Open Book and whatever else I can cram in. Sunday is really my only off day and I find that by the time it rolls around my brain is mush. I’m tired and I need to recharge my batteries. This isn’t mindless television by any means and I think that’s why it works so well to relax my mind and inspire new ideas. I always have trouble sleeping on Sunday night because I have so many new ideas and thoughts floating around my head and I’m excited to begin the week and get to them. I suppose different things work for different people, but for me a Sunday spent relaxing on the couch in front of these programs really helps me to reconnect to my inner self and rejuvenate my spirit.
Anyway, this past Sunday on one of the programs there was a segment about Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. I’ve never been, but it’s on the family list for future summer vacations. It looks like a nice spot, picturesque, quaint, with a rich history in ship building, very laid back down home type people and a culture based very much around the water and a fishing industry . . . Remind you of any place? . . . No? . . . Maybe a little closer to home? . . . Think hard now. . . 😉
So, here’s Lunenburg in Nova Scotia, I think they said a population of 2500. Really, it’s just another small town in the Maritimes like so many others, like Miramichi even, but every year they welcome about half a million visitors. So really, they aren’t like everybody else at all. The difference is this: somewhere along the way, the people in Lunenburg realised there was a lot of money to be made in the tourism industry and they went after it. That’s it. Plain and simple.
Miramichi is just as beautiful. Miramichi is just as rich in history, culture, and laid back characters. Miramichi has the potential to be a number one tourism destination not only in the Maritimes, but certainly in Canada, all of North America and indeed the world. Some people realise this and are going after it. But until the entire community comes onside to support the tourism industry, it’s an uphill struggle.
A struggle that hopefully we’re winning. One major thing that happened recently is the appointment of Cheryl Cook of Thomas Cook Travel, Historic Water Street Chatham, and Mighty Miramichi’s very own Terry Matchett, to the board of TIANB. TIANB is the Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick and having representation on the board from the Miramichi region is key.
So, congratulations to Cheryl and Terry! I’m sure you’ll do a bang up job of ensuring the issues that are important to Miramichiers are brought to the provincial forum.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.