I am such a bad blogger….I’ve been trying to get back to it for so long because I have so much to say! But by now much of it is old news…like the Friday night I worked late and ended up in the trunk of my car…then there’s the king sized Amazon beetle that attacked me and my cat…not to mention the noises in my wall that wake me each morning at 3:11.
Like I said, most of it’s old news. On a more recent note, I’m going to a soapmaking class tonight which should be interesting. I discovered it on the Mighty Miramichi Forum (thanks Kellie) and I think it’s right up my alley! I’ve been doddling in manufacturing natural bath products for the past year or so and I think this course will kick-start my enthusiasm for the subject again.
Oh, I mustnt forget to give a big THANK YOU to the jovial man at Miramichi Speed & Custom who pumped up my tire last weekend, on Saturday, after they were closed. Mucho Gratias! (sp?)
Later dudes.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.