I bet you’re wondering where the promised October issue of Bread ‘n Molasses has gotten itself to.
I think somewhere in the recent past I may have mentioned some minor concerns about system upgrades maybe knocking my whole publishing process out of kilter and slowing me down.
Well, you know how sometimes minor concerns turn into “Oh my Goodness! What am I going to do?” whomping super major concerns.
Yeah, the good news is that hasn’t quite happened. I am happy to say I actually have a plan. Putting this plan into action might take a couple more days but you will be reading a new issue of Bread ‘n Molasses very soon, or my name isn’t Kellie with an ‘ie’ and not a ‘y’.
I won’t burden you with what happened. Words like corrupted, inaccessible, and lost can frighten the average person who isn’t exposed to the same sort of technological environment I function in daily. So, don’t give it another thought. It’s not like anything actually exploded. Nobody was physically injured. Bread ‘n Molasses is going to be a little late is all.
Now, about our novel collaboration. I think I’ve had a miscommunication somewhere along the line and as a result there was no new chapter to post last Friday. That’s okay. We’re not punching any time clock. We’re free to work on this at our own pace, whatever that may turn out to be. So, if anyone thinks they’re up to writing the next bit by this weekend please send me an email and let me know. The pen is up for grabs, the ball is in your court, etc. Now is the time to jump into the fray and have some fun. So, what are you waiting for? Just do it! Email me and let me know you’d like to contribute the next chapter. It’s that simple!
I also wanted to mention that the MANGO group has a new blog called The Miramichi Walking Blog. We’re sort of helping them out with that, so stroll on over there and show them your support. Or if you know anybody who walks, please send them the link.
Oh, and by the way, how cool is it to have all my co-workers dropping in to say Hi?!! I’m hopeful they’ll come here from time to time and keep you up to date with things they’re working on, because they’re work is so much more exciting than mine. Afterall, they actually get to go outside and meet people and have conversations!
And now, I’m off to do what I do best — cook up some Bread ‘n Molasses.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.