Looks like some cooler weather headed our way, but wasn’t the weekend beautiful?!
Stacy and I actually took Saturday off and went out and enjoyed the day.
Of course there are tons of pictures. I’ll post them a little later and tell you all about it.
I added all the posts and photos from last week into the archives.
I meant to tell you that Stacy and I did really well last week with the walking challenge. We went to French Fort Cove every night after work and walked at least 30 minutes — even in the rain!
Oddly enough, we were the only people who walked in the rain. What is up with that? Are we the only ones who won’t melt?
But seriously, the trails can be a bit treacherous in the rain, sort of slippery in spots. On the night it rained we didn’t take our usual route and stuck to the gravelled trail for footing.
Still, we were there. Where were you?
This week, I’m working at home and Stacy has gone on vacation until Thursday, but we made a pact to stick to our healthy eating and walking routine. I’ve already walked a half-hour on the treadmill today. Maybe I can squeeze in some more time on it a bit later this evening.
The email has been trickling in about the writing challenge, otherwise known as The Collaboration on the menu bar.
I have handed it off to Lois and she’s going to continue with the next section, Chapter 2. I’m personally very excited to see where the story goes. I’m looking forward to reading and finding out.
So, let’s all wish Lois the best of creative vibes as she heads to the Laughing Bear Lodge and puts on her writing cap.
Check back often so you don’t miss the next part of the story. Or I’ve added a mailing list for the Blog if you want to receive an email every time I update the Blog, just click the Join Our List button and send us your email.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.